"Khalil Sakakini was born in Jerusalem on January 23rd, 1878 and received his education at the Greek Orthodox School first, then the he attended C.M.S School. After graduating from C.M.S school he enrolled at the English School of Zion where he learned literature on the hands of the educator Nakhla Zureik. After the death of his father in 1907 he traveled to Britain and then to the United States to study educational studies, but due to financial issues he was unable to complete his education and decided to return to his birthplace in 1908. During his time in the United States he worked as a translator and Arabic teacher. Towards the end of his journey in the United States, he had to work in a paper factory to pay the expenses of his return ticket. Additionally, he wrote several articles that were published in journals dedicated to Arabic literature.
Extracts of Khalil Al-Sakakini Diaries and letters to his son Sari.
Source: Peter George Sakakini
Khalil Al-Sakakini letter to his son Sari, dated 1937, about the poem he wrote in 1925 "We Are A Proud Nation"

A letter from Khalil Al-Sakakini to his son Sari dated 9/4/1948

Khalil Al-Sakakini obituary in his own words
Not a lot can be found online about An-Nahda college, but I did find this image of Khalil Al-Sakakini in front of the college in 1945.
Some of the Arabic language school books in Palestine that were created and developed by Khalil Al-Sakakini.